Thursday 30 August 2012

Simple steps to reduce belly fat

Lot of people worried about their belly fat, how to reduce it. Belly fat is the problem suffered by so many people, lots of people want a flat stomach. For that here we are providing some tips to reduce the fat easily.

1. Have breakfast regularly:
People think skipping breakfast will reduce fat easily, but it’s not true. Have your breakfast after one hour when you wake up. It maintains the insulin levels and lowers the LDL which is a bad cholesterol. Try to have breakfast at the regular time in the morning. In the morning take fiber food and protein as your breakfast or try eggs, peanut butter and vegetables.

2. Decompress:
Cortisol, a hormone released during the time of stress is correlated with the increased levels of belly fat. Some habits in our daily life play important role in reducing this stress.

Most adults require at least 7 hours of sleep every night for the functioning of our body properly. Set time to relax after your lunch for at least 10 min,close your eyes breath deeply and forget your worries.

3. 10,000 steps for good health:
If our body doesn’t have proper physical activity, the visceral fat increased. In order to reduce that fat take the stairs instead of elevator. Walk a little distance instead of driving. Stand up and walk at least 30 minutes in a day.

4. Replace refined grains with whole grains:
Survey reports explains that the people who take whole grains in their diet lose more belly than the people taking refined grains in their diet. A diet with whole grains changes the glucose and insulin levels in the body, which reduces the fat. These reduces the subcutaneous fat under your skin which we can’t see.
Try to replace the white grains with brown rice, replace white bread with brown bread.

5. Increase water intake:
Drinking water through out the day increases the metabolic rate which reduces the fat, regardless of dieting. In addition to this water removes waste and toxins from your body, improving your health.

By following all the above simple methods one can reduce the belly fat easily without much stress, for a healthy living.

Thursday 16 August 2012

Top 10 tips to lose weight

Top most ten weight loss tips are given below, follow them strictly and reduce your weight easily.

Tip 1:
Prior to start decide how much weight you want to lose, people with out any proper planning start tips to lose their weight. This is not a healthy way to lose weight. Using BMI calculator calculate your desired weight according to your height and age. After this start your methods to lose weight.

Tip 2:
Time management-Plan a schedule at which part of your day you need to plan your exercise. Plan the day in your week too for your exercise work. If you don’t do this your exercise plan doesn’t show any results.

Tip 3:
Replace your food habits from junk food to nutritious food like fruits, vegetables, healthy meats, grains, cereals and spices. Follow strict food habits like eating fresh vegetables, low fat food.

Tip 4:
Healthy cooking is one of the main reason to lose weight. Avoid eating outside food, take home cooked meals as your diet. In that use less oil, low salt, fresh produce and you will start seeing results in the little time only.

Tip 5:
Losing weight with out proper exercise is incomplete. Start a cardio- weight workout that stresses on muscle tone and increased heart rate that helps to lose weight. one can plan this work outs at home or you can consult gym for personal training.

Tip 6:
Examine your snacking habits and alert them with healthy snacking ideas. Keep aside all the unhealthy snacks like aerated drink, french fries, deep fried samosas etc. Take salads, soaked seeds, eating raw vegetables etc. All these snacking habits will make you to lose weight.

Tip 7:
Plan your day with at least on active hobby. Physical activity of 30 to 40 minutes in a day is much sufficient for a healthy body. Walking, jogging, playing games with friends and family, weekend trips to rock mountain for trekking, cleaning your house, dancing the list goes endless.

Tip 8:
Stress is the today major problem for every one. To come out of this, do meditation and yoga. Along with you can also perform some deep breathing exercises and reading books to get out of stress.

Tip 9:
Simple but yet very important tip is drink plenty of water. We know our body relies heavily on water for all its activities. Consuming water adequately makes our system run smoothly and comfortably with out any stress to the organs. Do not forget carry a water bottle to your workout and take few sips of water for every ten minutes at least.

Tip 10:
Plan healthy vacations with your family and friends. A tiny vacations will remove all of your stress and play some little out door games at your vacations.

Keep all the ten tips to be your lifetime habits for a healthy living and for a perfect health of your body.

Thursday 26 July 2012

Cell activator and its functions

Each and every particle or cell in our body performs its role as a small chemical factory with so many functions.

1. Cell release energy in the form of ATP by performing Krebs cycle and oxidative phosphorylation.
2. Using this released ATP’s cell performs different functions.

If the supply of essential nutrients to the cells inhibited then the energy at cellular level can be inhibited. To increase the absorption of nutrients some herbal products play a vital role. Herbal products provides solutions for all lifestyles and all stages of ife for a lifetime. Cell activator is one of the herbal product of nutritional supplements to support long term health benefits. It enhances the cellular nutrition, composites of herbs, botanicals, B-vitamins and minerals which act as ‘helpers’. Helpers increases the absorption of essential nutrients from the food taken by our body.

This low absorption of nutrients occurs because of the poor diet, poor digestion or high levels of stress. As a result of this, energy production in the body reduces followed by the improper cell functioning. Everything performed by our body depends on the constant supply of energy to the cells. If the supply of nutrients disturbed to the cells then all the activities of cells are disturbed followed by the improper functioning of the body.

In order to get rid of these circumstances cell activator plays its major role in our diet.

Cell activator key ingredients and properties:

1. Chlorella is considered to be superhero of nutrition and it is the most nutritious plant on the planet, cultivated in fresh water. It supplies high levels of beta carotene, vitamin B-12, iron, RNA, DNA and protein. These are considered to be main components in production of ATP through Krebs cycle and oxidative phosphorylation. In addition also have cleansing and purifying properties.

2. Shitake mushroom, rich in B complex vitamins like B1, B12, Niacin (B3) and pantothenic acid (B5). All these are necessary elements of krebs cycle and oxidative phosphorylation.

3. Vitamins B1, B2 and B6 required in krebs cycle and oxidative phosphorylation for the production of ATP’s.

4. Malic acid extracted from apples and calcium citrate which is macro-mineral, important components of cellular energy.

5. Cayenne contains capsaicin oil, helps our body to absorb and assimilate the nutrients from our diet more efficiently. It also have thermogenic effect.

6. Lactoferrin is a natural whey protein derived from milk, having positive nutritional properties to our body.

7. Minerals zinc, manganese and copper play significant role in proper maintenance of cellular energy.

In order to generate the cellular energy in the cells require all these specific nutrients are required. Cell
activator formula designed to help your body to absorb all these nutrients required for production of ATP through krebs cycle and oxidative phosphorylation.

Key benefits of cell activator:
  • Increases overall vitality and well being, reduces stress levels too.
  • Supports the cells to increase the absorption of essential nutrients promoting increased ATP production.
  • Benefits the immune system, circulatory system, respiratory and glandular systems.
  • Boosts ATP synthesis, increases metabolism and stamina.